June 23, 2015
Review by Markus Atzmüller
First of all: Although I'm disappointed with the setlist, Bamberg was a
very good but not necessarily excellent concert.
Here are some of my impressions and observations:
Venue & crowd
Great acoustic. Nice indoor arena. Excited but not exalted crowd and
atmosphere. Hope for a great recording!
Bob and his Band
Very concentrated and high quality performance - as usual since 2013.
Short after 7:00 p.m. a stage-crew member brought the setlist-sheets on
stage. About 7:55 p.m. the same guy removed the first sheets and replaced
them with new ones. Finally, during the intermission, the sheets were
again exchanged! I wonder, what was going on behind the stage?
Love Sick as closer
I don't think, they've planned this encore choice before the show or
during the intermission. At the beginning of LAWY I've done it from row 16
to the front of the stage. So I was able to observe Bob walking after BITW
to each band member to tell them, that now Love Sick will be played.
Interesting. Like Linz 2010 (where they changed spontaneously from AATW to
Forever Young).
Althougt I liked THE SET in the past, now I'm a little bit tired of it. I
really hoped for more changes. The recording from Mainz (an outdoor venue)
promised a lot. But my apprehensions proven true - indoor they'll play THE
SET again. In my mind, songs like "Waiting For You", "Beyond Here Lies
Nothin'", "Things Have Changed", "Soon After Midnight" or "Duquesne
Whistle" are quite okay - but why play them almost to death when you have
a song catalogue with countless classics (respectively songs, thousands of
fans like to hear live) or live unplayed pearls as "Narrow Way", "Someday
Baby", "Dirt Road Blues" or "Tin Angel"?
But nevertheless, the concert had a few highlights:
She Belongs To Me: I still enjoy this arrangement and can't get enough of
it. Pay In Blood: Strong & powerful. Long And Wasted Years: Usually not my
Tempest favorite, but on stage always impressive. Tangled Up In Blue &
Simple Twist Of Fate & Scarlet Town: Very nice and smooth singing.
Forgetful Heart: I felt like crying. Just wonderful. Best performance of
FH, I've witnessed so far. I'm A Fool To Want You: My absolute highlight
of the evening. First live-perfomance. Great. Love Sick: The perfect
closer. Consideralby better than AATW or SWM at this slot! I think, Bob
liked it very much, too (at least he smiled a lot during the performance).
And here are my personal lowlights of the evening:
Beyond Here Lies Nothin' & Waiting For You & Soon After Midnight:
Overplayed, boring and worn out a bit.
Blowin' In The Wind: Still a horrible arrangement. Why not a softer or
more melodious version like they've done in Sydney, Australia (9/8/2014)?
Or better: Why not Forever Young, Knocking On Heavens Door .... instead?
Anyway, a very good but not necessarily excellent concert, as advocated
Markus Atzmüller
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