May 16, 2008
Review by Larry Fishman
Nice to have Bob back in the States after his South American foray.
Atleast we can count on a steadier stream of available bootlegs. And
fortunately for me, Dylan booked this club date, shortening my drive
& saving me the 2 1/2 hour shlepp (and $4 gallon of gas) up to Maine.
The Palladium located in Worcester is about 40 miles west of Boston -
a small city sort of like Providence but without any of its charm or
good restaurants. The club is an old, smelly, barely lit converted
theatre - just the right setting for our ragged soon to be 67 year old
Birthday boy on the 20th anniversary year of the Never Ending Tour.
He was greeted by a torqued, jacked up crowd that was shouting for
"Idiot Wind" at stage hands one hour before show time. All night
long the crowd screamed, danced, boogeyed and genuflected -- it
was a fantastic atmosphere. As I was leaving I saw a kid decked out
in Rolling Thunder white face looking like Bob stepping out of
Renaldo & Clara. Beautiful.
Bob looked his usual trim self, in dark suit with a green sequined
shirt popping out at the sleeves and out of this buttoned jacket. He
could use a little sun. The band was in matching grey suits and
black shirts all with their hats on save Donnie. I guess if I had hair
like that I'd go hatless as well. The boys were all on their game,
I was 5 feet dead center but the sound was less than perfect - but
it didn't stop anyone from having a good time.
Oh the rituals of another show...the limping roadie... the familiar
faces of the fanatics praying for a one-off from the Basement
tapes...the mini replica Oscar sitting on an amp...the taped
intro...the Mardi Gras beads flung near the drum kit...the incense...
the wait in the pouring rain for two hours to cram up to the stage
for another night of amazing music:
1. Tweedlee Dee & Tweedle Dum. A loud blast off to start the
evening and a good song to clear the old boy's throat. The crowd
burst upon recognition telling me that it was going to be a fun night
as soon as he starting playing his good songs.
2. Girl of the North Country. Didn't take long to play a good
song. With Tony on stand up bass, and the familiar fairy-tale, sing-
song arrangement, Bob's voice was still hoarse but oh so pretty. A
song that always seems to reappear on the setlist and always
seems to delight and deliver.
3. Watching the River Flow. A rip roaring romp that Howlin' Wolf
would be proud of. Donnie gave us a terrific solo - he was on fire
all night long. Is it time to acknowledge him along with Larry
Campbell as one of Dyl's great Axe men. Not as cute or
charismatic on stage, but he can deliver the licks.
4. Can't Wait. Totally reworked arrangement, built on a scale like
riff - this was a sultry, sonic brew with a teeth bearing vocal.
Unrecognizable at first, it took me a couple of lines to name that
tune and I know the material real well man. A deep, dark nugget.
5. The Levee's Gonna Break. A light turn, spirited - sort of the
same tune as Summer Days and Thunder on the Mountain, just better.
Bob was sashaying and animated as he and the band really stretched
this one out.
6. Simple Twist of Fate. A lush, sublime take on the masterpiece.
With that crazy phrasing (I heard someone saying as we were leaving
that he is convinced Bob mixes up the phrasing so that noone can
singalong with him) Some lyrics seemed softly spoken sung -along
with the stunning nasal vocal, it's one of the clear standouts of the
night. Great interplay between Bob on the Harp and Donnie on
guitar as the song winded up.
7. Rollin' and Tumblin' Back to the blues as Garnier was thumping
on what seemed like his 5th different bass guitar of the evening.
Freeman whipped up a storm on slide.
8. Tryin' To Get To Heaven. Another entirely rearranged version, it
was a slow, funereal song with a beseeching tone to the singing.
Strange and unusual -- just the way we like it.
9. John Brown. With Donnie on banjo, this was a spot on, direct and
powerful version of one of the Bard's most linear story songs from
his finger pointing days. Perfectly orchestrated I might add. I
love the clipped rhymes and it's timeless message as this country limps
through another miserable war. Excellent Bob, excellent job.
10 Most Likely You Go Your Way. Time to lighten up and I think one
of Zimmy's better rock tunes and we were treated to a stellar
performance. It's such an addictive melody and done with pure
happiness and feeling. Again, Donnie nimble on guitar and I swear I
saw Bob unleash a full face grin. I swear I saw it.
11. Spirit On the Water. I think one of those songs that Bobby just
loves to sing...and it shows. Done with artful grace somewhat
faithful to the recorded take, I don't think it can be improved
upon. Call me naive, but I just love the call and response. "Am I
Over the Hill?" Noooooooo! "Past My Prime." Nooooooooo!
It's the signature tune of the Modern Times Album and I don't
think I'll ever tire of it. He should play it every night. Oh yeah,
he does.
12. Highway 61 Revisited Time for a crowd pleaser. Banging the
keys, our favorite DJ was hunched over the keyboards like a
jackhammer, jamming, swaying and flailing away like a wild man.
He made those thousand broken telephones ring.
13. Workingman's Blues #2 Sung sweet and low with the band playing
softly and enveloping and elevating the singing. While some like the
song because he uses the word "proletariat" in it, I like the "beans
and rice" part.
14. Summer Days. With Bob smiling and dancing around the keyboard,
his joy and enthusiasm were infectious. Usually a song that deserves
a long vacation, they really nailed the performance on this night. A
real blast -- amazing how he still connects with the audience.
15. Ballad of a Thin Man. Amazing. Focused and full of conviction,
by the time the first chords were played the crowd was in a mad
frenzy. Every riff, lyric and strum was greeted with wild applause,
shouts and pandemonium.
16. Thunder on the Mountain. After the encore the band returned
with the tune that is played after every encore at every concert. I
like the Alicia Keyes shout out in the lyric as much as the next
guy, but I'd like to respectively ask Mr. Dylan to put this one on the
shelf for the rest of human existence.
17. Like A Rolling Stone. Could it be Watchtower? Blowin' in the
WInd? No, we finished the evening with a bit perfect slow and
tuneful take on the song that defines an era and frees our soul.
Certainly a fantastic show, maybe I'll put that gas on the credit
card and head up north to Lewiston after all.
Larry Fishman
Review by Jim Halliday
Forget about a last minute booking of a warmup show. Bob and his boys
came out of the gate in full throttle. They mixed kick-ass rock n roll
with some of Bob's best melodic softer side songs in years. This was also
the best keyboard playing start to finish since he made that his feature.
As for the boys in the band....Bob better be on if he wants to keep up
with this bunch. They infuse electricity, along with the venue which now
has served twice as the "small warmup venue".
I won't give a blow by blow. I am sure others can take care of that. The
highlights of the show for me were Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll
Go Mine), Simple Twist of Fate, The Levee's Gonna Break, and Summer
After attending over 80 shows since 1978 I took a break over the last year
and half, as I just wasn't feeling it. Well the feeling came back within
the first 15 seconds tonight. We knew it was on!
A special hello and thank you to the folks I met that kept me company
tonight (the couple from Philly and the woman from Connecticut). We
picked a great spot to enjoy!
Jim Halliday
Review by David
Dylan started his tour with a couple of small, stateside dates - before
heading overseas. the 1st gig was in the worcester palladium - which
wasn't even sold out as of yesterday (although it was finally getting close)
got good seats in the balcony - with only one complete idiot in front row
of our section - kinda looked like tommy chong on steroids - on speed as
well when people told this bozo to sit down - he ripped off his shirt ...
security was summoned and kept this creep in line
the sound started out horrible - but improved much by the 2nd song -
no bob on guitar - all keyboards -was in good voice, good mood
started with rockin' tweedledum & tweedledee then a nod to former
girlfriend-turned-author suze rotolo by totally rearranging girl of the
n country with a nice descending keyboard-based melody
bob kept things interesting by alternating upbeat songs
(new and old) with just a few slower ones - but pretty much
skipping over the old-timey period pieces from the last 2 albums
highlights were probably the two songs from TOOM that i haven't
seen him do in some time -Can't Wait and Get to Heaven -
H61 rocked, twist of fate was gorgeous,
john brown moving, and the new stuff all sounded great -
plus no watchtower , which is always refreshing
the funniest moment seemed to be when bob flubbed
the 2nd verse of Thin Man - it sounded like he said :
you see somebody naked and you say "is that his" ?
good solid show - miss bob's guitar playing, but the band has
been playing well as a unit for some time now - and bob seems
into it - as did the crowd
Review by Jason Polanski
Bob Dylan returned to the Palladium in Worcester for the first time since
2002 when at that time, he scheduled a warm up date before playing at the
Newport Folk Festival. This time around, he once again started his tour,
which will lead him across the ocean to Europe. Euro fans should take
comfort in knowing that Bob’s performance was very focused and he played a
great setlist.
Bob also played no guitar and stuck to keyboards the whole night. Possibly
he didn’t feel the need to play the “crowd pleasing” instrument and
instead felt the keyboard songs were what he needed to play to get the
band in gear.
Of course, the band needs no introduction to Bob’s music at this point as
Bob opened with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (perhaps a bit of politics
Bob?). The song was short with one main instrumental breakdown that seemed
rearranged a bit. A voice clearing Girl From The North Country followed
and a blues stomp with Watching The River Flow.
But the concert really picked up after that as Bob and the band took only
its second take on Can’t Wait for the year. This time, Tony and Denny had
developed a riff that added to the sort of Dead-like groove of the new
arrangement. We can only hope they stick with this. Another work out was
also from the Time Out Of Mind album, the song Tryin’ To Get To Heaven,
which Bob hadn’t played since 2005. The song was delivered with a very
deliberate vocal style which had Bob leaning into certain words, telling
us he’s “going down the road feeeeeeeellliiiinng bad!” Thanks Bob for
bringing this one back.
And Bob the crooner really shined on Simple Twist Of Fate, a song I’ve
only seen once before in my 50 plus shows. It was great to see Bob tell
the story, facial expressions and all, first approaching the vocals in an
upword motion like “blame it on a simple twist of FATE”. But towards the
end of the song, the vocals became outright sorrowful, the phrasing went
downwards and bent around the notes. The rough blues voice replaced by a
soft cry. And the harmonica was played in a dramatic style. Definitely
worth catching on tape.
I guess I must mention also that, even though Simple Twist was a
highlight, Bob also really nailed the softer side on Workingman’s Blues
and Spirit On The Water. These two Modern Times songs have come a long
way. He shows an absolute confidence in them, he punches the vocals when
they need to be and bends and breaks them at the right times. Spirit
featured a great Denny guitar solo as well and a very aggressive harmonica
solo at the end.
And then on to the blues side of Bob. Where as the show featured some
intense ballads, the fun and danceable side of the evening were the blues
songs. Levee Gonna Break, Rollin/Tumblin, Highway 61, Summer Days. Wow!
Bob has a lot of fun with these songs on stage. Thanks to the girls in
front of me for grabbing Bob’s attention all night as well. I bet you
girls loved that smile during Summer Days!
And I can’t review the show without mentioning that Bob, while
concentrating heavily on his later work, still delivered some great
anthems from the 60’s catalog. John Brown? Very intense. Most Likely
You’ll Go Your Way? Groovy, stretched out vocals. Thin Man? Bob played the
weirdest organ yet and the harmonica at the end was right on. Rolling
Stone? Ah, sounds tired, but it’s the last song of the night and the guy
next to me was singing and clapping along like it was the greatest concert
moment ever! So Bob, you did your job. You warmed up your band and
impressed the new and the old. A marketing success! Can’t wait till he
gets back from Europe.
Jason Polanski
Review by Ernie Pancsofar
The Lows: $20.00 parking; starting off with TDTD an unpleasant surprise
(perhaps a political commentary on the primaries and upcoming elections!);
no Bob on guitar, although there appeared to be an electric guitar atop
a couple of the stage speakers that I did not notice anyone using.
The Highs: Listening to Warren Zevon on the ride up to Worcester; Simple
Twist of Fate (excellent arrangement), Girl of the North Country (perhaps
a tribute to Dylan days) and John Brown with Donnie Herron on banjo high
in the mix.
Interesting: I thought a couple of Charlie Patton tunes were playing
over the house speakers prior to the concert; lyric sheets in front of Bob
for all songs; an old book, hat and a small red cardboard box appeared on
the floor center stage prior to the encore; the juxtaposition of lyrics
in Tryin¹ to Get to Heaven (When you think that you lost everything You
find out you can always lose a little more) and Like a Rolling Stone (When
you got nothing, you got nothing to lose)
Waiting For: Visions of Johanna or Desolation Row
Final Comment: It was a Dylan concert!
Review by Dan Wood
This was the 'first' date in a resumption of the Never Ending Tour. The
set list is here. I had
not seen Bob since Modern Times came out so it was good to hear some of
the songs from there, I was hoping for Nettie Moore but the rendition of
Working Man's Blues left nothing to be desired. The show didn't reach its
full energy until a touch and go 'Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go
Mine' Bob didn't know where to start and it resulted in a cautious full
verse instrumental to get the song going. Once Bob started singing the
band wasn't sure where the beat was so no one was playing much at the
beginning. After that it was lights out the rest of the way. Summer Days
is always still a given but it was the best version I have heard so far.
Other highlights pre-stride for the band were 'Girl From The North
Country,' 'Simple Twist of Fate' and 'Trying To Get To Heaven.' Songs from
"Time Out of Mind" are old enough that they are classics but they are
still new enough that Bob owns them the way he does on the album when he
plays them live. 'Can't Wait' was a song I didn't recognize for a bit but
a good arrangement in the end. The last time I saw Bob (4/1/5 in Chicago) he had
the same band but had the violin player with him as well. At times I
thought it was a little much to have 2 electrics and a steel guitar on the
same song. The sound was too loud and thus muddied so when you covered
your ears you could actually hear the layers. When I first did this I
heard organ and thought 'who is playing the organ?' then realized duh,
Bob! They actually had it turned up enough but again once the sound got
muddied you really couldn't hear it. Denny Freeman is a great guitar
player but for me he and Stu will never match Larry Campbell and Charlie
Sexton. Larry was just so much fun to watch, I had fund watching Denny as
well, but not as much as Larry. I did love the fact the band all had
matching grey suits and black shirts underneath. All except Donnie Herron
had their respective hats on and again except for Donnie they were all
competing for world's smallest soul patch. I'd say Donnie is the straight
man of the band. Bob was wearing black pants with the white stripe and a
sparkly green shirt that stayed under his jacket. He also had a sparkling
ring on his left hand ring finger. There was a guitar laying down waiting
for him the whole time but he never went for it. There were a few in the
crowd that got pushy once or twice or thought they would just walk
through. I was 5 or 6 deep on the left hand side of the stage, probably as
close as I have gotten to Bob. He was happy throughout the show and really
animated when the band was rocking through the last half of the set. I
can't wait to go see him again...maybe he can come to Boston next time and
save me some driving but any chance to see Bob in a non-arena is an
excellent one.
Review by The Little Neighbor Boy
Dylan wedged this tour date into the old, crumbling Palladium earlier
in the month; a move in keeping with the mysterious ways in which
he moves.
As has been duly noted elsewhere, the crowd was in fine, fired-up spirits,
and it seemed to transfer to the show's fiery energy.
Some griping about a guitar-less Bobby can be understood; although he
more than made up for it with his rousing harp?accompaniment on
"Girl of the North Country,'' as well as with his harmonica-playing elsewhere.
Dylan's harp on "Girl" provided an effective counterpoint to his gussied-up,
jaunty keyboard on that tune.
Denny's stinging lead drove a bluesy, raucous "River" along.
"Can't Wait,'' with its pneumatic pulse, was moody and menacing.
"Levee,'' with Tony on upright bass, was a churning jam, in contrast to
the recorded version.
To this listener's ears, "You Go Your Way'' and "Highway 61'' were the
night's delights; for their glorious, rollicking abandon.
A sign outside the hall said it was indeed, sold-out. That, with virtually
no press. The local arts-and-entertainment weekly ran nothing in advance
of the show; having received no press releases touting it. The Palladium,
incidentally, also served as a staging ground for Dylan's return to the
Newport Folk Festival a few years back, leaving one to wonder whether
it may hold some special appeal for the Bard. And don't forget, he
recorded "Hurricane'' for his live Rolling Thunder tour bootleg at the
old Auditorium in Worcester. Yes,the Palladium's upper reaches sport
threadbare walls, and the backs are broken off some of the seats there.
A few years ago, I was across the street in the Irish Times awaiting a
Bob Weir show, when a fire broke out in a storage closet at the Palladium.
But I'll take it over an antiseptic arena named for a bank any day. With
general admission and a bar operating during the show; it made for a loose,
relaxed atmosphere. (Thanks, Nate from Beacon, N.Y., for getting me
those beers.)
It seemed like the show drew a fair amount of Dylan newbies, judging
from conversations I had. I found it refreshing that they seemed to be
enjoying the show, while others are sometimes turned off if they don't
get what they expect. Some of the longest hair at the show was
sported by young guys who were not even busy being born when Dylan
hit Greenwich Village.
And Worcester is an old manfacturing town, perhaps over-the-hill and past
its prime. But with B.B.King playing up the street at the newly-renovated
Hanover Theatre, and a prom being held a few blocks away, limos were
everywhere, and people were having a whoppin' good time.
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