Mobile, Alabama
Saenger Theatre

April 7, 2022

1. Watching The River Flow (Bob on piano)
2. Most Likely You Go Your Way (and I'll Go Mine)
(Bob on piano)
3. I Contain Multitudes (Bob on piano)
4. False Prophet (Bob on piano)
5. When I Paint My Masterpiece (Bob on piano and harp)
6. Black Rider (Bob on piano)
7. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (Bob on piano)
8. My Own Version of You (Bob on piano)
9. Crossing The Rubicon (Bob on piano)
10. To Be Alone With You (Bob on piano and harp)
11. Key West (Philosopher Pirate) (Bob on piano)
12. Gotta Serve Somebody (Bob on piano)
13. I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You (Bob on piano)
14. Melancholy Mood (Bob on piano)
15. Mother of Muses (Bob on piano)
16. Goodbye Jimmy Reed (Bob on piano)
-- Band introductions
17. Every Grain of Sand (Bob on piano)

Thanks to Colin Hulin, Laurette and Corky Williams for the text messages

Band Members
Bob Dylan - piano, harp
Tony Garnier - bass
Charley Drayton - drums
Bob Britt - guitar
Doug Lancio - guitar
Donnie Herron - violin, electric mandolin, pedal steel, lap steel

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id not recognize. One of them in particular was often extremely close to Bob's side, and often directly behind him. At one point early in the show, Bob appeared to snap at him and he immediately and rapidly backed away probably 15 feet, although he returned to Bob's side after only maybe 20 seconds. During another song, Bob said, "Jesus, man!" It appeared to be directed to this guitar player, although I don't know for sure, and he didn't run away that time. Obviously the guitarists are stationed where they are because Bob has told them to be there, but the overall layout of the stage does not give one a feeling of cozy jamming which they might get by putting the players very close together. It feels intentionally awkward, and it was irritating throughout the evening. Regarding the music, I was glad that he included every song from Rough and Rowdy Ways except for Murder Most Foul. Almost all of them sounded excellent. For me, only Key West sounded less satisfying than the album version. I thought the high points were Mother of Muses and Black Rider, but everything was sung well. Of the two gospel songs, Every Grain of Sand worked, Gotta Serve Somebody not so much. What felt like twin songs about women, I'll Be Your Baby Tonight and To Be Alone With You, both seemed surprisingly plausible given that the man is in his 80s. ("I ain't dead yet/ My bell still rings.") When I Paint My Masterpiece was fine, but not nearly as good as the last time I heard him play it. Melancholy Mood was lovely. In spite of the excellence of the RARW material, and the good job he did handling it, I enjoyed the show less than any Dylan show I have seen since 2004. The presentation issues were a significant part of that. Perhaps the fact that I was farther from the stage than I usually am played a role. Perhaps it was the fact that I was thinking of my good friend Tim, with whom I saw most of the Dylan shows I have seen in recent years and who died too soon last year. Maybe it is just that seeing Bob with somebody who knows and cares a good deal less about the man than I do never really seems to go too well. (I wonder if others have had that experience. I am just recognizing the pattern now.) Ain't no tellin'. In any event, something about the vibe was off. It was a very good show that left me feeling a bit let down.


Review by Jesse Jones

I am 70 years old, I have been a Dylan fan since I was 12, and I have been
attending Dylan concerts since 1974.  I have a profound appreciation for
his art, and the fact that he works so hard at the age of 80 to continue
to create and to perform moves me deeply. I found the concert in
Greensboro unsettling.  I compared my review of the last Dylan show I
attended, the November 30, 2019 show at the Beacon Theatre in New York
City.  I loved that show.  A few weeks after that, the pandemic changed
the world forever.  During the pandemic Dylan gave us the Shadow Kingdom
and Rough and Rowdy Ways.  We cannot ask for more. I had a sense at this
show that Dylan was holding his musicians back.  That Dylan can perform 49
shows in 163 days as he is now doing truly is amazing.  But when the music
rocks he cannot rock with it.  He stands stiffly behind an ugly upright
piano, appearing disembodied.  The guys in the band almost seem afraid to
move with the music for fear of making the crowd see that Dylan cannot.
Rough and Rowdy Ways is a triumph.  Did some suits tell him to include
some of the old songs when he toured?  I love the old songs, but they
seemed not to fit well.  I wondered how Dylan at 80 can sing I'll Be Your
Baby Tonight unironically.  Serve Somebody rocked but if I ignored the
sound, it looked like they were playing a funeral dirge. I am grateful I
got to see Dylan perform him again.  I am grateful for the sixty-plus
years he has written, recorded, and performed such great music.

Jesse Jones


Review by Barry Gloffke

Show number 2 out of 3 on our mini North Carolina Bob
Dylan tour has Jacqueline and I taking to the road for a 1˝ hour drive to
Greensboro. The Steven Tanger Center is another nondescript venue, just
like the Ovens Auditorium in Charlotte…with a little more character.
Late arriving audience leads to a late start for tonight’s show but the
audience is upbeat and energetic, unlike Charlotte…which in retrospect
was only a mediocre show. But tonight's show is the reason we keep coming
back again and again for more Dylan shows…searching for a gem. From
WATCHING THE RIVER FLOW to EVERY GRAIN OF SAND this was one helluva great
concert. Bob's voice was in fine form, strong, clear and powerful. The
band was tight and there were several great instrumentals interludes…
plus a fantastic harp solo by Bob. Mr. Dylan spoke or barked at the band
several times this evening… I’m not sure whether he was agitated or
whether he was trying to bring the best out of the band and the songs.
Whichever, from our perspective he was riding high, holding court and
commanding the night brigade. We had great seats 8th row right side…that
can always make a difference between a good show and a great show. I know
we all have different takes on the shows but for me the highlights tonight
were just about each and every song… even the revamped KEY WEST. Alas,
the bootleg will be the real telling of just what type of show it was. For
us… just a fabulous show… for myself (#69) and my girlfriend (#16).
Two concerts down, one to go…Asheville you're up next… as they say
"don't you miss it!"

Saw tye-dye Bob from Charlotte who concurred that it was a great show. And
chatted after the show with Bob's watchman, Roger.

Lastly, I have been picking out one quiet moment before GOTTA SERVE
SOMEBODY on the last several tours to yell out "Rock and Roll,
Bob!!"...and tonight you could easily hear Bob turn to Donnie and say
"Hey, there's that guy". What a night… a great show and an
acknowledgement from Bob… that is now my new claim to fame.


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